Exercise: Reorder tables, Deploy and Execute
When modeling data in TimeXtender, its helpful to organize your tables so the table with the lower granularity are at the top, and the final, denormalized tables with the highest grain, are at the bottom. This way, when creating relations and lookups (in the following exercises) you are always dragging down.
​Troubleshooting: ​If you encounter errors after executing a task, please be sure you have configured the proper User Accounts & Permissions. In addition, you may also consider reading: Executing a Data Warehouse table from ODX gives error: "Login failed for user"
- Reorder tables in the DSA in the following order: ProductModel, ProductCategory, ProductSubCategory, Product
- Right click the Data Warehouse node DSA and select Deploy and Execute
- Click Start button
- Type the text "Product tables added to the DSA" into the Version Note box and click Save button
- Click Close button, when processing is done
Note: Video is free of audio