Exercise: Add Order and Ship Date tables to Sales Model

In TimeXtender we can use the same MDW table in a Semantic model twice, each using different relations. This is what's known as a Role-Playing Dimension. In this exercise we will map in the Date table into the Semantic model as both an Order Date dimension and a Ship Date Dimension.


  1. Drag the Date table from the MDW Data Warehouse and drop it on the Tables node in the Semantic Model Sales
  2. Type Order Date in the Name box
  3. Select the fields Datevalue, YearMonthName and YearQuarterName
  4. Change the values in the Semantic field name for the selected fields to Date, Month and Quarter and click OK button
  5. Repeat the steps above, to add Ship Date table to the Sales model. Drag the Date table from the MDW Data Warehouse and drop it on the Tables node in the Semantic Model Sales
  6. This time, type Ship Date in the Name box
  7. Select the fields Datevalue, YearMonthName and YearQuarterName
  8. Change the values in the Semantic field name for the selected fields to Date, Month and Quarter and click OK button
