Foundation: Understanding the ODX Server

The Operational Data Exchange (ODX) Server enables organizations to have easier access to data by combining potentially hundreds of data sources into a single storage layer with minimal effort. This storage layer can then be used for data discovery, advanced analytics, and eventually used as the source for the Modern Data Warehouse.

The purpose of the ODX Server is simple: access to data. The strength of this approach lies in the ability to connect to the ever growing and ever changing different types of data sources. The result is that users have only one source to connect to in order to get access to raw data.

The ODX Server primarily consists of three main components:

  1. Data Sources where you can choose from hundreds of providers, input your connection information, and schedule data refreshes.
  2. ODX Service which handles the scheduling and orchestration of data.
  3. Storage which can be configured as an Azure Data Lake or SQL database.

For more detailed information, please see Using the ODX.
